So does everyone remember Jose the one who had problems about, who is Jehovah and Joseph Smith and who had tons of doubts and it always just made me frustrated a lot? Well we had not taught him in a while because he had been busy with work but not last week but the week before we had activities in the church and he came to all of them and we watched a video about Joseph Smith and another night somebody from the temple presidency came and talk about temples. So this past Wednesday we went and visited him. He told us that he had been having dreams about his brother and his dad who are dead and he never has dreams about them. He told us that he started having dreams with them in it and with water and the water was very clear and he went into the water and his brother and dad did also. So after he told us that the spirit was telling us to invite him to baptism so I did it and he said YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was AMAZING I could not believe it, i was almost in shock haha. It was so good to hear him say yes. I have been teaching him for about almost 4 months and it has been so much fun to see him change and how different he is now. When we first started teaching him he was very quiet and did not say much in a lesson and it was really hard. It was hard to get a conversation going with him about something. It was so hard for me. But in time he started feeling more comfortable with us could joke around with us. He has kinda a dry sense of humor but hey he has come a long way from where we started and thats whats important. My companion did the baptism but hey I don't care just as long as he did it thats all that I cared about.
It Truly is amazing what this gospel can do and how people can change and be happier by hearing this message. this is why Í am here to help people come unto Christ and to receive their salvation because there is no other way that they can get it. this week was nuts because we had 2 full days of training from out assistants of this new way of teaching that will change my mission and every other mission and will help this work sky rocket. I don't have much time but hope all is well with everybody and take care and it´s good to hear from you.
Love Garrett
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