Wednesday, November 24, 2010
November 22, 2010
Hey Everyone hows it going? Things are going good here. Let me tell you it is so HOT here it´s crazy. Also it´s not even officially summer here. Thanksgiving is next week and it doesn't even feel like it. Anywho I got a cool experience to share with all of you.
Ok so about 2 weeks ago we were doing contacts and we knocked on this door and this 18 year old kid came out and the gate was locked but we started talking to him. Then his sister came home from school and she had keys. They let us in and they were really friendly. We were talking with them for a good time and then we started to teach them about the plan of salvation then the mom came home and she was really nice. We started talking to her for a bit then we started teaching again. We talked about where we came from and why we are here and what we have to do to go back to heaven. We then talked about baptism and they liked the idea and they were baptized as babies. We explained that you don't have sins then and they agreed with that. We invited them to be baptized but they said did not accept. But they said they would pray about it. The mom was telling us that it was very rare that the son let us in her house because nobodys allowed in their house when the parents are not there. They all felt like it was for a reason and not just something of chance. So we went back 2 days later and taught their dad who was there and they all accepted dated to get baptized which was pretty cool because it is a family. We went back a few days later and taught them the Restoration and they loved it. Before we started talking about Joseph Smith they kept saying how there needs to be some kind of evidence with prophets and I was just loving it because I knew that they were going to love the Book of Mormon. I love teaching people about Joseph Smith. The spirit is always so strong. after we talked about all of it I asked the dad who was kinda hard and stubborn in the beginning with everything how he felt during this time of sharing with his family. He told me a peace and just a really good feeling that was hard to describe . This is the shortened version of this story but the spirit was so strong. They all noticed that the spirit was strong. The son came to church with us and he doesn't believe in God. It was great.
Well that is the latest from down south but hope all is well up there.
Love Garrett
November 15, 2010
Hey Everybody whats up?
This past week was pretty incredible. I say that for many reasons. Number one is that we went back to the family that was offended to see if we could resurrect them. We brought a member with us who is a convert from the Catholic church and a returned missionary. He told his conversion story to them and how he was offended his first Sunday also but before he came to church he prayed and received an answer. He left the church early and went home crying because some of the boys in his class were mean to him and so he left. He told himself that he was never going to come back to church, which is exactly what Fabian said to us who is the dad of this family. But the member we brought told them that he went and prayed that night because he couldn't deny the feelings he felt when he prayed the first time. So he prayed again to ask if the church was true again and he felt the same way that he did the first time. As he was telling his story the spirit was really strong and it was really great. At the end they said that they just need to pray and truly ask God. The next day we had a family home evening with them and my comp from Ecuador made fried bananas. Then we watched a movie about this guy from Italy who found a Book of Mormon without a cover. He was a catholic priest or something like that and was converted and by the end of his life he got baptized. They really liked it. They couldn't come to church because they had a family ting on Sunday but I am sure they will come next Sunday.
Also another interesting experience that happened was on Friday we contacted this lady and she gave us her direction to her house. We went there on Saturday and it was her mother in laws house. So we started to teach her and this lady just rubbed me the wrong way. She was just being so jokey and just not taking serious what we were saying. I was just getting really angry with her. I had to constrain myself from talking because she was just making me so mad. But before we started teaching she gave us the direction to her daughter in laws house. So we went to go find it which was on the other side of our area. So we got there and she wasn't home. So one of my comp started contacting a door. A lady came out and my comp really didn´t say anything at all as the lady told us to come in. I was a little worried because it was so easy. So we get in there and sit down and the lady just starts crying and just crying. It´s hard to understand in english when people are crying and talking and in spanish it´s even harder. She was telling us that she has had so many trials in her life and why did she have to suffer so much. She told us that her brother was starting to get papers to take the right of the house away that was her dads and that her dad died in September and she was really close to her dad. She was crying to the point to where it´s hard to breath normal. For the first couple minutes all we could do was just sit there and listen to her. We talked about the atonement and how Jesus suffered for her and understand her. We shared a scripture with her in Alma 7. I started talking to her and letting her know that we don't always understand our trials that we have but God does and knows us and what is good for us. I also told her about my parents and my grandpa and how they all died. After that she told me so you know how I feel and understand me. I then told her that she needed Christ in her life and needs to follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized. And she accepted the invitation. Now I don't know if we will see her again because she is only here on the weekends but we have an return appointment for next week. That experience really hit me strong and it makes me think how many people are suffering out there in the world without this message. Now obviously people still suffer that are in the church but they suffer with patience and happiness and not alone.
Well as to me I am doing alright just trying to find more love of Christ because lately it´s been rough to find it for some people but it´s a work in progress. I hope all of you are doing good. take care.
Love Garrett
November 8, 2010
Wow what a long crazy week of changes it has been. So for all of those of you who don't know I am in a trio now and it´s kinds weird but oh well I have a latin comp so that is good and now we have like a bunch of people to teach. But wow where do I start. So we had the family home evening with Ingrid and her boyfriend and this other lady we are teaching and her husband and I made the Blt´s and they loved them. It was very fun to do that and something different. We read the proclamation to the world to them about the family and what is a family and about eternal marriage and I bore my testimony to them about the importance of it and with my parents and all and Ingred started crying a little. They know that they have to get married but Ingred is just scared because her parents split up when she was younger so it is kinda hard for her. We put a date with them so for the 6th of December to get married. We told them to pray together and to ask God if they need to get married. They said they would. The next appointment we had with them we were late because we were teaching this really intense lesson to this really Catholic family who are MARRIED but we testified with power and boldness. We finally got them to agree to go to church because my comp told these people he used to be a Jehovah witness and told them his story. It was powerful and it worked. So we showed up on Sunday to go to there house and take them to church. It was fast Sunday. So I thought ok well this could be good or really bad. And everything was going great until this lady who is new in the church and doesn't know that much went up and started talking about how worshiping saints is bad and anyone who does that is following the devil. This family was sitting in the front row. I could not believe what I was hearing. They were offended and they have a niece who is a member and she went and talked to them and said how she is new in the church and how we respect all religions. We are going to watch the video with them about between heaven and earth where all the pastors and Jewish rabbis and men talk. But I basically felt like somebody just recked my sand castle just after finishing it.
So with Ingred the mission president and his wife came and met Luis and her and they talked and made really good friends. It was really cool but kinda weird at the same time. They asked them when they were getting married it was funny.
Well I gotta go, but things are going good and I just need all the prayers for our sector because there are lots of possibilities but just need lots of extra help. Take care.
Love Garrett
November 1, 2010
Hey Everyone another week here in Chile that was amazing I must admit. The Lord really is in charge and we are just his instruments to make the music sound good but he is the one that is playing it but as missionary's be have to stay in tune to the spirit so he can make us sound good. First of all let me tell you what happened with Ingred this week. We taught her twice this week the first time we talked about Joseph Smith because she was confused about him and who exactly he was. She told us that since she has been sharing with us she has been more patient and felt more love for people and just more happy. She has some doubts about some things but she wants to see if these things are true and if the Book of Mormon is true we left her with Alma 32 when it talks about the faith.So we went back and she read it and we talked about what she liked and what she learned and before we started the lesson her partner walked in, Luis the guy she lives with. Ingred said he had some questions for us. So we started talking and we watch the movie the restoration and they really liked it. Ingred said she understands it better about what happened with him. Luis said that he thinks that it is true that Joseph Smith saw Jesus and Heavenly Father. We are going to have a family home evening with them tomorrow and I am going to make BLT´s, last time I did it the people loved them so we will see. Also Ingred came to church and brought a friend that we taught the other day with her. She is great. We are going to talk about marriage a little bit and bring up the topic. So if everyone could pray for them that would be great.
Also yesterday we were knocking doors and this guy named Fabian answered the door and he is 21 he looked a lot older. Anyways he said he had shared with elders before but then they moved and lost contact. We went into the house and started talking to him and it was just, I don't know how to explain it. He has been prepared, I am not kidding, he went to Church like 3 times like 6 years ago and then moved. His parents are catholic and he has never been to interested in any of that. He was baptized when he was a baby but thats it. He told us he always felt like believing in saints was wrong and that confessing your sins to a priest was wrong because a priest can´t forgive you only God can. We taught him about baptism and he was really sincere about everything. He told us this story about growing up he always felt bad because him and his friends made fun of this kid growing up and he always felt bad about it and he said he went and found him asked for forgiveness. The guy said it was ok but he said he still felt bad and I told him that with getting baptised you can feel lifted of that pain you feel. He accepted a date to get baptized for the 28th of November. We were reading out of the Book of Mormon with him and the things we were reading from he agreed with. He said that he has never agreed with any religion really growing up and never felt good really. He said that we cleared up some of his doubts that he had. Before we ended I had the impression to tell him the love that God has for him and how proud he is that he is taking this step to get baptized. This guy Fabian just has a special spirit about him. I am excited to teach him again.
Well this week was good and I love being a missionary. I hope all is well with everyone.
Love Garrett
Sunday, October 31, 2010
October 25, 2010
Hola well this week as all of you know I am in a new sector called Curico. It is so huge and it´s really pretty. I am in a ward now we have like 90 people that were in the church last Sunday. The chapel we are in is kinda ghetto, it´s really small. But the people are really great. The house we live in is like the best in the mission it has 2 bathrooms and 2 storys. My companion is named Elder Yeakley he is from Boise he is a funny kid. So something really cool happened this week. We first started to do contact just knocking doors and this was on Wednesday, I think, maybe Tuesday. Anyways this woman came out and we started talking and my comp asked if we could come in and she said yes. So we went in there and got to know her a bit and she works with special needs kids and I told her about Gabe and that was cool to have that connection. So eventually we got talking about baptism and what we need to do to get cleaned of our sins. She was very receptive and is very smart. So my companion invited her to be baptised and she said well if I receive an answer then of course I will. During the end of the lesson I testified to her about the importance of families to her for some weird reason because she has a child and what not. At the end of the lesson we asked her to say the prayer and she didn't want to so I just said it. I didn't think much about it after that, but the next appt my district leader and my comp went back there and she said that I just gave the prayer in a special way and she just felt like the spirit of God was in her house and just felt so good. That made me feel so good when I heard that. They taught her the restoration and she loved it and when they talked about the restoration of the apostasy she just gasped almost and she said she got this feeling inside her like a burning inside her. They told her that was the holy ghost telling you this is true. Also they gave her a Book of Mormon and she was about to buy a book to start reading and she didn't because they were expensive so now she has the best book ever to read. Also something that is ironic is that she lives with her partner and I asked them if they had been thinking about marriage and she said yes, they want to do it this year they have been together for 10 years. The Ironic part is that she came to a baptism of the other missionaries because she couldn't come to church and her best friend is being taught by the other elders that we live with and is really close to baptism. Everything has just been a little miracle and been really cool. We just gotta get them married so she can get baptised. Her name is Ingred by the way for those of you who wanted to know haha.
So I am really grateful to be here and I know this church is true and I love seeing the hand of the Lord in this work because it really shows that this gospel is true. Take care all of you and hope your week is great.
Love Garrett
October 18, 2010
Hello everyone well they kicked me out of Linares haha and I am going to a place called Cudico. I will be senior comp there. It´s the farthest northern part of are mission. So it´s a bitter sweet feeling leaving a sector. I am content with leaving because we had a baptism with Nora. It was so great to see the changes in her. Well I tried to send the pictures but the stupid computer doesn't want to read my memory card so I will send them next week. Well I have decided that I hate saying goodbye to people it really sucks. But I have gotten really close to some people here and it will be hard to say goodbye. I have felt like my email have just gotten worse and worse as time goes on. I have really learned a lot here in Linares more than I ever thought I would and I will use every bit of it for the future.
Well this past week I was sick had a fever that was fun NOT but hey I'm still alive and doing great. I am sorry for my crappy emails but I will write more next week in my new area and send the pictures. Well I love you all and thank you for your emails and your love and concern.
Love Garrett
Well this past week I was sick had a fever that was fun NOT but hey I'm still alive and doing great. I am sorry for my crappy emails but I will write more next week in my new area and send the pictures. Well I love you all and thank you for your emails and your love and concern.
Love Garrett
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
October 11, 2010
Lots of Pictures!















Alright so these pictures are from what we did last p-day. We went up in the mountains and explored. We went up in this little van bus thing. There were 19 of us that fit in that little car, it was nuts but kinda fun at the same time. It was really pretty up there I am sending another email with just pictures because I couldn't last week. Also there is a picture of me with a bees suit on because we went to this place where I was in the middle of a bee hive and ate the honey straight from the bees. It was so fresh and natural and just amazing.
So I got a story that is pretty cool that happened last night. So my comp and I had walked all over yesterday and only 2 of our people that we are teaching were home so we taught them and by this time it was like almost 9 at night and that is the worst time on a Sunday night when you have nothing to do. But we had a back up plan, we were on our way there and I was not sure if we were going there or somewhere else but I asked my comp if we could go to this teenage boys house who is 14 he goes to church by himself and was having some problems so I asked if we could go there and he said, yeah I was thinking the same thing. So we went to his house and he wasn't there, but we went in anyway and sat down. All of him family are members but he goes alone. Anyways we went in there and started talking and this kids older brother asked if we could give his 2 year old daughter a blessing because she had been sick. He then said how he knew that the Lord guided us here for that reason. We told them that we had never really passed by there house in the past. I gave the daughter a blessing and then we shared a scripture. The brother who is not active gave the closing prayer and asked to help them go back to church and to say their prayers again. He got all chocked up and the spirit was defiantly there. It´s just a simple story but was really powerful for me.
Well I gotta go right now but I hope your weeks goes great for you.
Love Garrett
Alright so these pictures are from what we did last p-day. We went up in the mountains and explored. We went up in this little van bus thing. There were 19 of us that fit in that little car, it was nuts but kinda fun at the same time. It was really pretty up there I am sending another email with just pictures because I couldn't last week. Also there is a picture of me with a bees suit on because we went to this place where I was in the middle of a bee hive and ate the honey straight from the bees. It was so fresh and natural and just amazing.
So I got a story that is pretty cool that happened last night. So my comp and I had walked all over yesterday and only 2 of our people that we are teaching were home so we taught them and by this time it was like almost 9 at night and that is the worst time on a Sunday night when you have nothing to do. But we had a back up plan, we were on our way there and I was not sure if we were going there or somewhere else but I asked my comp if we could go to this teenage boys house who is 14 he goes to church by himself and was having some problems so I asked if we could go there and he said, yeah I was thinking the same thing. So we went to his house and he wasn't there, but we went in anyway and sat down. All of him family are members but he goes alone. Anyways we went in there and started talking and this kids older brother asked if we could give his 2 year old daughter a blessing because she had been sick. He then said how he knew that the Lord guided us here for that reason. We told them that we had never really passed by there house in the past. I gave the daughter a blessing and then we shared a scripture. The brother who is not active gave the closing prayer and asked to help them go back to church and to say their prayers again. He got all chocked up and the spirit was defiantly there. It´s just a simple story but was really powerful for me.
Well I gotta go right now but I hope your weeks goes great for you.
Love Garrett
September 27, 2010
Hey everyone up north how are we doing? I have been a bit under the weather these past few days. Hahaha yeah I have been a little sick with a runny nose and a headache which I never get. It´s great working when you feel like garbage. But The beginning of the week we found some people who were really interested, we basically just walked in the door it was cool. For those of you who remember Jore we taught his wife the other night and she is so great and she told us that her and Jore never trust anyone but they trust us. She started crying as she was talking to us the other night about how Jore does not have the best of friends that he hangs around and drinks a little bit. He left the other night before we got there because he was ashamed because he drank a little bit. She told us he has changed a lot for the better from what he was. She has a lady who she works with that is a member and then Jore works with a member who is a return missionary from a few months ago. But the other night we had a good lesson about the sacrament with his wife and how important it is, she really liked it. She told us to come back the next day so we could teach Jore because he would be home and she was there too on her lunch break. We watched Finding Faith in Christ. It is a really great movie, Jore lost one of his friends last week. His friend got murdered so he was a little down and so at the end of the movie we gave them a plan of salvation booklet. They committed to coming to church and you know what, they both did!!!!!!!!! It was so great. Also that the lady Nora came to church as well. The cool thing is that Maryum his wife had to work at 11 and church started at 10 but she came for almost the whole hour. They are both excited about general conference next week.
The only problem that happened on Sunday during church is that like 5 little kids decided to have exercise class during sacrament meeting and they were running laps around the whole room. It was so loud and the parents didn't seem to care and they were yelling and laughing and I just felt so embarrassed. Now I know where the line is of little kids being little kids and where the line is of to where it´s a problem, and it was way passed that line. I am grateful for my Mother that she would take me out and spank me and what not when I acted up in sacrament meeting thank you MOM. I just thought it was a funny story for everyone.
This week we had zone conference and I got to see a lot of the missionary's and a lot of my friends, it was really great. Our mission was invited by Elder Scott to read the Book of Mormon in 2 months. The mission is going to buy Books of Mormon for us to read in our own language and we have to mark it every time it is referencing Christ. I am really excited to do this and I know it will help and we will receive lots of blessings from doing this. I hope all of you are sharing the gospel with your friends who are not members because it truly is an important work and the missionaries need your help because they can´t do it alone. I Know this gospel is true and I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior and that the only way back to him is through the things that he taught and we have to do them if we want eternal life. Hope all is well and I love you all so much and love hearing from you.
Love Garrett
ps I might be on the tv when they talk about Chile during general conference so look for me
ps I might be on the tv when they talk about Chile during general conference so look for me
September 20, 2010
Life is pretty funny sometimes. Especially on the mission when things happen and there is nothing you can do about it. For example like a month ago we were eating lunch at this old ladys house and she was giving us fruit and I was reaching for a bananas and someone took it and I was like shoot I wanted a banana but I wasn't sad or anything. So she took that as oh, he is unhappy and wants a banana, but I was just fine and so she went out and bought me a banana. The funniest part of the story is that it was on Sunday and we tried to stop her from going but she wouldn´t. So I felt kinda bad, but it was kinda funny. Then we ate there yesterday for lunch and this week in Chile has been there Independence week and they always eat empanadas and all sorts of stuff and BBQ and what not. I was expecting to eat a bunch of empananads on the 18 because that is the real day of their independence. But I didn't eat any on Saturday, the same lady asked me if I ate lots of empanadas that day and I said no and just kinda went off a little bit about it, but I was just messing around. I figured that it would be ok because everything is usually closed and you cant buy anything on Sunday because of the holiday. But she told me she would make me some before I leave the area I am in and I was cool with that. She goes back into the kitchen and then we hear this door open and we hear her leave and then about 2 minutes later she comes back in and we hear the microwave going. She comes back in the room and I was like ¨ Where did you go?" She was ignoring the question and long story short she bought the empanadas. I am not going to lie they were pretty good but I was still kinda mad at her. This is an active member she just loves to make the missionaries happy and will do anything to do that. We all got a good laugh about that.
So this week I was on mini changes 2 different times out of my area so I wasn't here to much. But anyways Nora got an interview and she needs another one with the mission prez so I hope she can pass it and everything will be ok. Gioconda didn't come to church this week neither did Nora. It was a holiday week this week here they had their independence on 18. My investigators are like a roller coaster always up and down. Juan has not come to church in like a month we taught him like a week ago but I don't know what his problem is, he told us he would read the whole book of Mormon this past week, I hope that he did it. It´s almost like having kids and trying to direct them in the right path because you know whats right and you have walked the path yourself. So we have another really cool lady we are teaching but she hasn't come to Church yet but I really hope she will because her life is really hard right now. Other than that I am just here in Chile trying to fight the good fight and Satan is pulling out some big weapons and not just here in Chile but on some people that are close to me and all we can do is just fight it off with prayer and with reading the Book of Mormon, but not just reading it but really studying it. I say the Book of Mormon because it´s the only book that Jesus Christ himself has testified is 100% true. I hope all of you are reading and doing your best to fight off Satan and his temptations.
Love Garrett
So this week I was on mini changes 2 different times out of my area so I wasn't here to much. But anyways Nora got an interview and she needs another one with the mission prez so I hope she can pass it and everything will be ok. Gioconda didn't come to church this week neither did Nora. It was a holiday week this week here they had their independence on 18. My investigators are like a roller coaster always up and down. Juan has not come to church in like a month we taught him like a week ago but I don't know what his problem is, he told us he would read the whole book of Mormon this past week, I hope that he did it. It´s almost like having kids and trying to direct them in the right path because you know whats right and you have walked the path yourself. So we have another really cool lady we are teaching but she hasn't come to Church yet but I really hope she will because her life is really hard right now. Other than that I am just here in Chile trying to fight the good fight and Satan is pulling out some big weapons and not just here in Chile but on some people that are close to me and all we can do is just fight it off with prayer and with reading the Book of Mormon, but not just reading it but really studying it. I say the Book of Mormon because it´s the only book that Jesus Christ himself has testified is 100% true. I hope all of you are reading and doing your best to fight off Satan and his temptations.
Love Garrett
Monday, September 13, 2010
September 13, 2010
Hey everybody,
I am not going to write much today, but I will tell you all that I was very happy yesterday. But here is why. There is this lady named Gioconda and she was always depressed and so sad because she didn´t have work and never wanted to come to church because she was scared and had to find work and was very depressed. My comp and I when I first got here found her and it´s been about like 4 months and never made much progress. We went over there the other night and she told us that she found work and she was smiling and happy and just a different person. We taught her a quick lesson but it was really good and invited her to church. Ill admit she was really scared but knew she had to at least go and try it. We told her we would come pick her up in a taxi in the morning and she agreed. So we came there the next morning and she was up and ready to go. I was so happy I just felt just complete joy. Also NORA came to church with a member who went and got her and she stayed for all 3 hours and loved it. Gioconda could only stay for the first hour but she told us she would stay longer the next week. She really liked it.
I know that miracles exist and that they are real and that this is Gods church and he leads and guides it through the prophet who is on the earth because God is the same yesterday today and forever and never changes. Nora is really excited for her baptism for the 26th so hopefully that all goes through according to plan. I love this gospel and I know it´s true and I know that God has his plan for us and the only way we can return to live with him is if we do exactly what he says and we cant have our own beliefs on how to do things in this life and say God accepts me for who I am and my choices even if it is in contrary to what he said. If that is how our thinking is then it´s wrong, because what was the point of God sending his son? Anways I love you all and hope and pray that you all can make good choices and follow Christ in your life and listen to the prophets because they are Gods mouth piece.
Love Garrett
I am not going to write much today, but I will tell you all that I was very happy yesterday. But here is why. There is this lady named Gioconda and she was always depressed and so sad because she didn´t have work and never wanted to come to church because she was scared and had to find work and was very depressed. My comp and I when I first got here found her and it´s been about like 4 months and never made much progress. We went over there the other night and she told us that she found work and she was smiling and happy and just a different person. We taught her a quick lesson but it was really good and invited her to church. Ill admit she was really scared but knew she had to at least go and try it. We told her we would come pick her up in a taxi in the morning and she agreed. So we came there the next morning and she was up and ready to go. I was so happy I just felt just complete joy. Also NORA came to church with a member who went and got her and she stayed for all 3 hours and loved it. Gioconda could only stay for the first hour but she told us she would stay longer the next week. She really liked it.
I know that miracles exist and that they are real and that this is Gods church and he leads and guides it through the prophet who is on the earth because God is the same yesterday today and forever and never changes. Nora is really excited for her baptism for the 26th so hopefully that all goes through according to plan. I love this gospel and I know it´s true and I know that God has his plan for us and the only way we can return to live with him is if we do exactly what he says and we cant have our own beliefs on how to do things in this life and say God accepts me for who I am and my choices even if it is in contrary to what he said. If that is how our thinking is then it´s wrong, because what was the point of God sending his son? Anways I love you all and hope and pray that you all can make good choices and follow Christ in your life and listen to the prophets because they are Gods mouth piece.
Love Garrett
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
September 6, 2010
You know those days when you wake up and your really happy and in a good mood just because it´s so nice outside? Well thats how I feel, also because I am staying here for one more transfer. I felt that I still had not completed everything here that I needed to, so I am going to work really hard this last 6 weeks while I am here. Also we are getting a new zone leader here and he was my comp in Dichato when the earthquake happened so I am way excited to see him again. hmm what else well I am doing good, I almost hate how much food they give us here because I can see the effects haha. Sometimes we will go into somebodys house and they want to give you something to eat but you don't want anything but some water. You can´t deny it and they will give you bread with some cheese or butter and some stuff that taste like coffee but it´s not, it´s called ecco it´s actually pretty good but anywho it´s impossible to deny it especially to the old sweet lady's who are just so nice and you just cant tell them no. sorry I am kinda rambling but this is just some things that are kinda funny that happen here.
O and on friday and saturday I ate liver from a chicken. On saturday we had some salad with it with mashed potatoes and lets just say I ate a lot of salad with the liver hahaha.
Last week I talked about that guy Jore and sadly we didn't get to teach him last monday but we went back another day and he was sick and he still let us in and that never happens , not even members do that, it was pretty cool. And then with Nora we only taught her once this week because we could not find her in her house this week. But we did get to teach Juan this week so that was really cool. We read Alma 5 it´s basically a personal interview. I Invite all of you to read it and think about the questions that it asks in it. It was very good for Juan to read this with us. at the very end it says this verse ¨´I speak by way of command unto you that belong to the church; and unto those who do not belong to the church I speak by way of invitation, saying: Come and be baptized unto repentance, that ye also may be partakers of the fruit of the tree of life. Now that hit him pretty good. At the end of the lesson I told him so now you know about what your parents think does that change what you feel? He said no and he told us that he had a huge test to get into the air force and I promised him that he would pass it if he got baptized. He said he was thinking about that before I had asked him. But it never did happen but he does have a date for this sunday so I hope and pray that he can find in his heart to do it and receive the guidance from the spirit to do it.
This week we went by this inactive member who is living in a tiny room with his friend. This guys name is Cesar and is about 34 and has had a rough life and has cancer and was baptized like a year ago. We has no contact with his family and his cancer is pretty serious and he has been drinking and smoking and just trying to make himself feel better. We have been visiting him for a while now and has only came to church once. It was extremely sad. I have just been learning that life is real and that people can decide their path they want. This guy had the gospel in his life and was doing good and then just started going down hill again after he had found the truth. When we went over there the other day I had no idea what to say or do. My comp was teaching the word of wisdom and it was really good and then it was my turn to talk and it was rough because I had no idea what to say. I listened to the spirit and just talked. Afterwards I was just thinking about that for a long time and his situation and how people are without the gospel in there lives and what happens when we stop trying to progress as members and stop learning and stop reading our scriptures and stop going to church, things like that happen. SATAN has FULL power over US. Just like is says in 3Nephi 18: "And I give unto you a commandment that ye shall do these things. And if ye shall always do these things blessed are ye, for ye are built upon my rock. 13 But whoso among you shall do more or less than these are not built upon my rock, but are built upon a sandy foundation; and when the rain descends, and the floods come, and the winds blow, and beat upon them, they shall fall, and the gates of hell are ready open to receive them." This is exactly what will happen, and I am saying this because I don't want this to happen to any of you. And if it has you can always get back on the rock of Christ. I know this is true I love you all and hope all is well for you this week.
Take care
Love Garrett
O and on friday and saturday I ate liver from a chicken. On saturday we had some salad with it with mashed potatoes and lets just say I ate a lot of salad with the liver hahaha.
Last week I talked about that guy Jore and sadly we didn't get to teach him last monday but we went back another day and he was sick and he still let us in and that never happens , not even members do that, it was pretty cool. And then with Nora we only taught her once this week because we could not find her in her house this week. But we did get to teach Juan this week so that was really cool. We read Alma 5 it´s basically a personal interview. I Invite all of you to read it and think about the questions that it asks in it. It was very good for Juan to read this with us. at the very end it says this verse ¨´I speak by way of command unto you that belong to the church; and unto those who do not belong to the church I speak by way of invitation, saying: Come and be baptized unto repentance, that ye also may be partakers of the fruit of the tree of life. Now that hit him pretty good. At the end of the lesson I told him so now you know about what your parents think does that change what you feel? He said no and he told us that he had a huge test to get into the air force and I promised him that he would pass it if he got baptized. He said he was thinking about that before I had asked him. But it never did happen but he does have a date for this sunday so I hope and pray that he can find in his heart to do it and receive the guidance from the spirit to do it.
This week we went by this inactive member who is living in a tiny room with his friend. This guys name is Cesar and is about 34 and has had a rough life and has cancer and was baptized like a year ago. We has no contact with his family and his cancer is pretty serious and he has been drinking and smoking and just trying to make himself feel better. We have been visiting him for a while now and has only came to church once. It was extremely sad. I have just been learning that life is real and that people can decide their path they want. This guy had the gospel in his life and was doing good and then just started going down hill again after he had found the truth. When we went over there the other day I had no idea what to say or do. My comp was teaching the word of wisdom and it was really good and then it was my turn to talk and it was rough because I had no idea what to say. I listened to the spirit and just talked. Afterwards I was just thinking about that for a long time and his situation and how people are without the gospel in there lives and what happens when we stop trying to progress as members and stop learning and stop reading our scriptures and stop going to church, things like that happen. SATAN has FULL power over US. Just like is says in 3Nephi 18: "And I give unto you a commandment that ye shall do these things. And if ye shall always do these things blessed are ye, for ye are built upon my rock. 13 But whoso among you shall do more or less than these are not built upon my rock, but are built upon a sandy foundation; and when the rain descends, and the floods come, and the winds blow, and beat upon them, they shall fall, and the gates of hell are ready open to receive them." This is exactly what will happen, and I am saying this because I don't want this to happen to any of you. And if it has you can always get back on the rock of Christ. I know this is true I love you all and hope all is well for you this week.
Take care
Love Garrett
August 30, 2010
Hey Everybody,
Wow today was wet. this morning we all went and played volleyball in the rain in the back of the church with the poles we have. We played in a soccer court. But wow it was wet and especially since it didn't start raining until after we left the house so we didn't bring any rain gear. but hey it´s all good it was pretty fun anyways. Then we went and bought some food to make lunch because we didn't have much money so we bought some rice and little sausages and some bread and some eggs and cooked that all up. The elder from Columbia cooked the rice and he kinda screwed it up a little bit but it was still an interesting meal to say the least but in the end it was good because I was hungry.
So this week was pretty good. When the Lord puts trials in front of us he always has to bless us after. We were doing contacts on wednesday and we yelled from the gate, because thats what you do here, and the lady opened her window and I started to talk to her and buses kept driving by so I asked if she could come to the gate to talk to us. She let us in to her house and we started talking with her and getting to know her a little and she said she was catholic, but really didn't know what she believed in, almost like most catholics. Anywho she is very humble and very sweet and it was cool because she said asked us what she needed to do to go to church and how could she feel better. It was amazing and she doesn't know to much about who God is or Jesus Christ. So we have gone back twice now and we gave her a Book of Mormon and I hope she will read it. Her name is Nora. The next day we were doing contacts in this area and knocked on the door and a man came out and he said that he was busy but we could come back the next day around the same time and tons of people say that so I really didn't think much of it. So the next day my comp and I started walking somewhere after an appt and I was like, where we going, and he said to Jores house and I had no clue who he was. So we get there and we go into his house which was way cool. We start talking and he tells us he is catholic. So we ended up teaching him about the restoration and he was understanding so well. Better than almost anyone I have ever taught. After we got done talking about the apostasy he asked us,´¨ so when is God going to restore the power and his church¨ . That question was AWESOME so I went right into telling him about Joseph Smith and the story and he liked it a lot. He believes it is true and so we put a date with him to be baptized. He has an 8 year old daughter and a wife and so I am way excited. And he seemed so real about it. So we asked him when we could come back and he walks over to his calender and was going through his schedule out loud and said that monday would work. So thats today we taught him on friday. So I am really excited to teach him and he said his wife will be home also.
Well I gotta go so we can to the the appt on time but I love you all and hope you like the pictures. Some are just random and others are from an activity where we made a Chilean hot dogs they are called completos. And another day we ordered pizza and that is the sub from last week I was talking about. One of the pics with me and my comp and a Columbian is the celebration of my 1 YEAR mark.
Love Garrett
Monday, August 23, 2010
August 23, 2010
Hey everyone
One of the hardest things to do in the mission is to let go of people you are teaching. It´s hard because you care about them and you want to see them progress because you know that this is what they need. But people have their agency and you can't force anything on anyone because that is not in Gods plan. That has happened to a lot of the people we are teaching and so we are finding new people but then when we go back and they don't want to listen anymore. If people could just open their heart and be open minded and listen with true intent it would make the world of difference. sorry for venting a little, it´s just really frustrating sometimes. Don't get me wrong I love being here and teaching people but sometimes it´s just kinda hard because people like to follow Jesus in their own way not in the way that he wants us to follow him.
Well this week my comp was sick and had a bad cough and a little fever. He asked me to give him a blessing of health, the other elder did the first part and I gave the blessing. For those of you who have never given a blessing it is really special, it truly is. My comp asked me if I wanted to do it in english and I said no because i don't know how to start it in english. Anyways I want to bear witness that the power of the priesthood is real and that it´not something that we just talk about but that it truly has power. The spirit truly does guide it, and the words just come.
I was a little sick this week but I'm ok nothing too bad just a runny nose. The weather here is really nice lately so that has been really great. One of the elders we live with is from Columbia so he had to go to Santiago last monday for his visa. So he went to subway for us and bought us some. I have a pictures of it that I want to send next week they are really sweet haha. Well Juan still needs to get baptized so if you could all keep `praying for him that would be great. Take care everyone.
Love Garrett
One of the hardest things to do in the mission is to let go of people you are teaching. It´s hard because you care about them and you want to see them progress because you know that this is what they need. But people have their agency and you can't force anything on anyone because that is not in Gods plan. That has happened to a lot of the people we are teaching and so we are finding new people but then when we go back and they don't want to listen anymore. If people could just open their heart and be open minded and listen with true intent it would make the world of difference. sorry for venting a little, it´s just really frustrating sometimes. Don't get me wrong I love being here and teaching people but sometimes it´s just kinda hard because people like to follow Jesus in their own way not in the way that he wants us to follow him.
Well this week my comp was sick and had a bad cough and a little fever. He asked me to give him a blessing of health, the other elder did the first part and I gave the blessing. For those of you who have never given a blessing it is really special, it truly is. My comp asked me if I wanted to do it in english and I said no because i don't know how to start it in english. Anyways I want to bear witness that the power of the priesthood is real and that it´not something that we just talk about but that it truly has power. The spirit truly does guide it, and the words just come.
I was a little sick this week but I'm ok nothing too bad just a runny nose. The weather here is really nice lately so that has been really great. One of the elders we live with is from Columbia so he had to go to Santiago last monday for his visa. So he went to subway for us and bought us some. I have a pictures of it that I want to send next week they are really sweet haha. Well Juan still needs to get baptized so if you could all keep `praying for him that would be great. Take care everyone.
Love Garrett
August 16, 2010
So does everyone remember Jose the one who had problems about, who is Jehovah and Joseph Smith and who had tons of doubts and it always just made me frustrated a lot? Well we had not taught him in a while because he had been busy with work but not last week but the week before we had activities in the church and he came to all of them and we watched a video about Joseph Smith and another night somebody from the temple presidency came and talk about temples. So this past Wednesday we went and visited him. He told us that he had been having dreams about his brother and his dad who are dead and he never has dreams about them. He told us that he started having dreams with them in it and with water and the water was very clear and he went into the water and his brother and dad did also. So after he told us that the spirit was telling us to invite him to baptism so I did it and he said YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was AMAZING I could not believe it, i was almost in shock haha. It was so good to hear him say yes. I have been teaching him for about almost 4 months and it has been so much fun to see him change and how different he is now. When we first started teaching him he was very quiet and did not say much in a lesson and it was really hard. It was hard to get a conversation going with him about something. It was so hard for me. But in time he started feeling more comfortable with us could joke around with us. He has kinda a dry sense of humor but hey he has come a long way from where we started and thats whats important. My companion did the baptism but hey I don't care just as long as he did it thats all that I cared about.
It Truly is amazing what this gospel can do and how people can change and be happier by hearing this message. this is why Í am here to help people come unto Christ and to receive their salvation because there is no other way that they can get it. this week was nuts because we had 2 full days of training from out assistants of this new way of teaching that will change my mission and every other mission and will help this work sky rocket. I don't have much time but hope all is well with everybody and take care and it´s good to hear from you.
Love Garrett
August 9, 2010
Well It was another interesting week, it had it´s up´s and downs and some things happened that were really hard to see, with some things that people said and did but I am learning so much about myself and the kind of person that I am. So Juan the 22 year old that we are teaching had an interview with one of our assistants and that was really good for him but his only problem his his FEAR. His fear of his family with his parents because they are HUGE catholics his dad is studying to be a monk or something. This week we fasted for him and I was praying like all week and he was always on my mind. He needs the confidence to tell his parents. He knows everything is true and has no doubts so that is really good and he really wants to get baptized. So if EVERYBODY could PRAY FOR JUAN PLEASE that would be great. Also had another cool experience with this new convert, of the other missionaries when i was on splits with the other 2 that we live with. This lady always thought that I was kinda a jerk or just that I had bad feelings towards here or something but I didn't at all. That day when we went and visited her I shared this scripture with her in mosiah 23 about when we have trials but it was really powerful and she started crying and now she totally changed her feelings about me. It was a really cool experience because she was having a really hard day that day and I was able to help her and it made me feel so good.
I gotta go but I hope all is well and love you all.
Ps PRAY FOR JUAN TO Have Confidence.
Love Elder Nichols
August 2, 2010
Hey everybody this week was pretty rough because we lost a lot of our investigators so I don't have much to say. But if every one could pray for Juan Baptist he is ready for baptism but just is lacking the courage with his parents and family because they are all catholic. He is 22 so he can make the choice but he is an awesome guy he knows it true every time we share with him he feels so different but a good different I hope he can get the courage that he needs to do it.
Hey for all of you who emailed me this week thanks and sorry for not getting back to you but i will next week. I am going good just now in the process of looking for new people. I hope all is well with everyone. I love being missionary a and all the great experiences that I get to have. Even though it´s tough at times it will be worth it in the end, that's what I keep telling myself at least.
ps I hit one year on thursday!!!!
Love Garrett
Hey for all of you who emailed me this week thanks and sorry for not getting back to you but i will next week. I am going good just now in the process of looking for new people. I hope all is well with everyone. I love being missionary a and all the great experiences that I get to have. Even though it´s tough at times it will be worth it in the end, that's what I keep telling myself at least.
ps I hit one year on thursday!!!!
Love Garrett
July, 26, 2010
¿Hola como esta todos?
So spring is just around the corner here and I am excited!!!!!! I mean the days are getting a little nicer but at night it´s still really cold but it´s all good. The houses here are like refrigerators. It´s colder inside the house sometimes than outside. But I am doing good because I am staying in my sector so I am happy about that because we are teaching some really good people.
So this past week I went to an appointment with the new missionary who has like a month in the mission to an investigators house. Going into the lesson I didn´t have a clue what to teach I really didn't. This girl who is 16 has a problem with tea and her mom as well and the mom doesn't think she can stop drinking tea and the daughter has come to church twice but is struggling with tea also but doing better than her mom. We first went over 2 nephi 31 a little bit to review to see if she read it and she did. So I had a scripture in mind but then my comp said hey lets share 1 nephi 3. That was really interesting because I was thinking earlier in the week how could I help her and I had thought that but had forgotten about it. So we shared about when Nephi had to go get the plates and how it was something hard but it was a commandment and the Lord would provide a way. As I was teaching this it was amazing but I was just speaking and really was not thinking about what I was saying, the words were just coming with the spirit. And thoughts were just coming into my mind and ways to explain it to them. I realized how important the spirit is and how it´s everything in this work and without it our words are just words. I don't know it they understood everything I was saying but I know that the spirit was testifying to them that this was true and that they can stop drinking tea.
Anything is possible, anything with the Lords help and if it is his will and we can change things in our lives if we are not happy. There are things that I am trying to change about myself and it is really hard but I know that in time I will be able to win in the end. We need to have the long term perspective and look in the end and see what is it that we want. Do we want eternal life with our families and live with our Father in heaven and Jesus Christ? If yes, than we just might have to sacrifice a few things in this life. Do some things that we don't want to do,go up some steep hills,go the extra mile get close to the edge of the cliff . We have to do these things in life because if we want eternal life then we must remember that NOTHING IN THIS LIFE THAT WAS WORTH DOING WAS EASY.
Love Garrett
So spring is just around the corner here and I am excited!!!!!! I mean the days are getting a little nicer but at night it´s still really cold but it´s all good. The houses here are like refrigerators. It´s colder inside the house sometimes than outside. But I am doing good because I am staying in my sector so I am happy about that because we are teaching some really good people.
So this past week I went to an appointment with the new missionary who has like a month in the mission to an investigators house. Going into the lesson I didn´t have a clue what to teach I really didn't. This girl who is 16 has a problem with tea and her mom as well and the mom doesn't think she can stop drinking tea and the daughter has come to church twice but is struggling with tea also but doing better than her mom. We first went over 2 nephi 31 a little bit to review to see if she read it and she did. So I had a scripture in mind but then my comp said hey lets share 1 nephi 3. That was really interesting because I was thinking earlier in the week how could I help her and I had thought that but had forgotten about it. So we shared about when Nephi had to go get the plates and how it was something hard but it was a commandment and the Lord would provide a way. As I was teaching this it was amazing but I was just speaking and really was not thinking about what I was saying, the words were just coming with the spirit. And thoughts were just coming into my mind and ways to explain it to them. I realized how important the spirit is and how it´s everything in this work and without it our words are just words. I don't know it they understood everything I was saying but I know that the spirit was testifying to them that this was true and that they can stop drinking tea.
Anything is possible, anything with the Lords help and if it is his will and we can change things in our lives if we are not happy. There are things that I am trying to change about myself and it is really hard but I know that in time I will be able to win in the end. We need to have the long term perspective and look in the end and see what is it that we want. Do we want eternal life with our families and live with our Father in heaven and Jesus Christ? If yes, than we just might have to sacrifice a few things in this life. Do some things that we don't want to do,go up some steep hills,go the extra mile get close to the edge of the cliff . We have to do these things in life because if we want eternal life then we must remember that NOTHING IN THIS LIFE THAT WAS WORTH DOING WAS EASY.
Love Garrett
July 19, 2010
Hey everyone I don't have much time but I just wanted to say something funny that happened, is that my comp fainted on Sunday because he was giving a talk and we were fasting and it was kinda funny but he was ok. This week was good and bad but we are making progress I with I had more time to talk but we have a guy we are teaching named Juan the baptist, it´s kinda funny he is 22 and really smart and I love teaching him he came to church this past week and he knows it´s true and his family is catholic but that is the only problem. He feels so good every time when we teach him he says he feels really weird but he means just different.
So tonight we are having a family home evening and I am making blt´s pretty sweet huh I am excited. Well gotta go.
Love Elder Nichols
So tonight we are having a family home evening and I am making blt´s pretty sweet huh I am excited. Well gotta go.
Love Elder Nichols
July 12, 2010
Hey everyone!!!
Wow I am beat we played futból this morning for about 3 hours with a ton of Chileans and I am dead. I scored a goal so that was cool, but I am going to be really sore tomorrow because I am right now. Today was muy bonita esta manaña. So we have this English class and it´s really weird I noticed to say a prayer in english and I don't like it. But anyways sorry kinda random. The weather here has gotten pretty cold and only rained a little so that has been good because it is no fun in the rain. I cant wait for the spring which is like not until September October. SO we got a new misson president and they are gringos aka from the USA. They are from California they are really great , tomorrow we have interviews so i can get to know the president better and his wife. His wife seems really sweet and fun.
I saw a miracle happen this week. So Jose who I have been talking a lot about in the emails finally understands. his only doubt was about Jehovah and Christ and so we had a member of the branch presidency come with me cuz we went on divisions and he was teaching with guy with the bible and just pure power and explaining things so clearly and I understand it better now. then we went over how to truly pray, but not just pray but to really sincerely pray because I had always felt he was not truly praying like he should to receive an answer and I could never explain it that Well to him in Spanish. But this guy I was with did so good and it was amazing. At the end of the lesson he said he understands now and I think he may be ready for baptism. Tonight we are going over for a family home evening with him at his girl friends house who are all members and her as well they are all converts. Tonight we are going to set a date with him if all goes well.
Well now much else to say but you are all always in my prayers and I miss you all so much take care.
Love Elder Nichols
Wow I am beat we played futból this morning for about 3 hours with a ton of Chileans and I am dead. I scored a goal so that was cool, but I am going to be really sore tomorrow because I am right now. Today was muy bonita esta manaña. So we have this English class and it´s really weird I noticed to say a prayer in english and I don't like it. But anyways sorry kinda random. The weather here has gotten pretty cold and only rained a little so that has been good because it is no fun in the rain. I cant wait for the spring which is like not until September October. SO we got a new misson president and they are gringos aka from the USA. They are from California they are really great , tomorrow we have interviews so i can get to know the president better and his wife. His wife seems really sweet and fun.
I saw a miracle happen this week. So Jose who I have been talking a lot about in the emails finally understands. his only doubt was about Jehovah and Christ and so we had a member of the branch presidency come with me cuz we went on divisions and he was teaching with guy with the bible and just pure power and explaining things so clearly and I understand it better now. then we went over how to truly pray, but not just pray but to really sincerely pray because I had always felt he was not truly praying like he should to receive an answer and I could never explain it that Well to him in Spanish. But this guy I was with did so good and it was amazing. At the end of the lesson he said he understands now and I think he may be ready for baptism. Tonight we are going over for a family home evening with him at his girl friends house who are all members and her as well they are all converts. Tonight we are going to set a date with him if all goes well.
Well now much else to say but you are all always in my prayers and I miss you all so much take care.
Love Elder Nichols
June 28, 2010
Hola todos
So this morning we went and played soccer in this sweet field it was astro turf and we got to wear special cool soccer shoes it was cool. I scored 3 goals it was pretty sweet then after we had a barbecue it was really good. I am really tired right now. This week was pretty nice it didn't rain at all it was a miracle. We taught some good lessons this week and one of our new investigators came to church and is progressing so I was way happy about that. I am really sorry but I really don't have much to say this week was kinda boring but we did have zone conference and got to see a lot of my buddies so that was fun but sad also because it was the last conference for president Chavez he is leaving on Tuesday and we are getting our new president on Wednesday he is from California. His name is president Humphrey and I heard they are really really nice. I am kinda excited but kinda not I don't know, it´s weird, but you know what is weird is that I will have 11 months on the 5th of july. Well I gotta go I am going to send some pics of us at our bbq and of some sunsets that I had to take.
Love Garrett
June 21, 2010
Hola VIVE CHILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So right now I am at an Internet cafe in center part of my area and Chile just won and beat the Swiss. Everybody exploded and there are sirens and horns and people flooded the streets and yelling for joy and everybody is just so happy it´s great. I am scared to know what it will be like if they lose. But I took some pictures so you can all see what I am talking about. But this week was great I got my new comp and he is really cool he is from Utah, but has lived in other parts of the states. His name is elder Garey and we teach really well together. I was really scared for this week because I would have to lead the sector because my new comp didn't know the area or anybody but it actually worked out pretty good.
It rained almost everyday this week and it rained hard. It rains sideways here it´s really weird and thanks to the rain I got a nice little cold but it´s all good. But knocking doors in the rain really really sucks I'm just being honest. We found some really good people this week and I was really happy about that. We are teaching some good people and really trying to help this guy in his 20´s stop smoking and move out of his girl friends house so he can get baptized. But we found 7 new investigators which was really cool. The other elder from Columbia is training a greenie so it´s really fun to have him in the house and to teach him some stuff. But we went out on splits the other night for about an hour and we got into a house and I had to teach the whole lesson and that was my first time I had ever done that before. I understood mostly everything she said but it was still hard but the new elder bore his testimony with so much power and spirit it was awesome. Then we went out another day and got into another house of this 16 year old kid and taught him, it was pouring rain at the time so I was grateful that we got in.
Last night we taught one of our investigators who is really searching for an answer he is doing everything in his power to get an answer. He is reading the book of Mormon and praying and going to church. He doesn't have much of a personality so it´s kinda hard to teach him because he is very serious like all the time. But we are doing our best and I am asking you to pray for him if you could because he is a good guy he just needs some prayers.
Well I don't know what more to say but I know that Jesus is our savior and that Joseph Smith really did see God the father and Jesus Christ and that Christ restored his church on the earth again so we can live in happiness and no confusion. I miss you all and take care.
Love Elder Nichols
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